2023 Annual Conference

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Conference Information

Conference Program

2023 NASSS Conference Program 11 2
(Word Document that will download to your computer)
(Updated 11/2)

For the most up to date changes to the conference program, please use the Sched app.

LINK to Sched App: https://2023nasssconfernrnceneworle.sched.com/

 Conference Schedule at a Glance
Food/Refreshments provided where noted

Wednesday, November 1st
4:00-7:00pm  NASSS Board Meeting
7:00-10:00pm Conference Welcome Reception
                   *Light appetizers will be served*

Thursday, November 2nd
6:00-6:50am Presidential Run, Walk, Roll, Strut, Weightlifting
7:00-8:00am DCCC Meeting & Breakfast
8:00-9:15am Concurrent Session 1
9:15-9:45am Break: Coffee & Treats will be available
9:45-10:00am Opening Remarks & Land Acknowledgement
10:00-10:50am Alan Ingham Memorial Lecture: Travers, PhD
11:00-12:15pm Concurrent Session 2
12:15-1:45pm Luncheon [for students] or Lunch on Your Own [Professionals]
1:45-3:00pm Concurrent Session 3
3:00-3:30pm Conference Break
3:30-4:45pm Concurrent Session 4

Friday, November 3rd
6:00-6:50am Presidential Run, Walk, Roll, Strut, Weightlifting
7:00-8:00am SSJ Meeting & Breakfast – Greenwood
8:00-9:15am Concurrent Session 5
9:15-9:45am Break: Coffee & Treats will be available
9:45-10:50am NASSS Presidential Address: Michelle Richardson, PhD
11:00-12:15pm Concurrent Session 6
12:15-1:45pm Take a Student to Lunch or Lunch on Your Own
1:45-3:00pm Concurrent Session 7
3:00-3:30pm Break: Limited Services
3:30-4:45pm Concurrent Session 8
4:45-5:00pm Break
5:00-6:15pm NASSS Business Meeting
6:15-7:00pm Break
7:00-10:00pm Presidential Reception Hosted at Fulton Alley; Sponsor: Dr. C. Keith Harrison
All invited and highly encouraged to attend to attend this party center with games and a bowling alley; food & drink tickets
provided, along with cash bar and limited dinner menu.  https://www.fultonalley.com
Fulton Alley is within .3 miles/.5k from the conference hotel.

Saturday, November 4th
8:00-9:30am NASSS Board Meeting with newly installed officers
8:00-9:15am Concurrent Session 9
9:15-9:45am Break
9:45-10:50am Keynote 2: Tricia McGuire-Adams, PhD
11:00-12:15pm Concurrent Session 10
12:15-1:45pm NASSS Members Luncheon & Program, including Research Fellows
1:45-3:00pm Concurrent Session 11
3:00-3:15pm Break
3:15-4:30pm Concurrent Session 12


Registration is now available.

Online Registration will close on Friday, October 13th.  Anyone who wants to register after October 13th, will have to register in person at the conference.

Click Here to Registervia CVent

Please scroll down for pricing.

Please note that rates for Professionals are divided into A, B, and C classes based on the professionals' institution. A list of institutions and categories can be found here: https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/membership/table-of-economies-by-category

CategoryEarly Bird Pricing (Register by October 4, 2024)Regular Registration
(Available After October 4th but before the conference starts)
On-Site Registration (beginning October 30th)
Professional A$340$370$450
Professional B$225$250$325
Professional C$125$150$200
Professional One-Day Attendee$175$200$250
Professional Virtual Attendee$100
Student Virtual Attendee$50

Conference Site

The 2023 annual conference for the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport will be held in New Orleans, LA, USA, November 1-4, Doubletree by Hilton, New Orleans.

We recognize that the state of Louisiana recently passed legislation targeting members of the LGBTQ+ community generally, and transgender people in particular (see Senate Bill 44). Because conference sites are chosen years in advance, NASSS cannot move to a different location for the 2023 conference. However, we will work with local organizations and support networks to support groups targeted by this legislation as needed. If you have concerns about your safety and/or well-being, please contact the conference planning committee.

NASSS Hotel Room Rate:
Faculty and Professionals $159/night (plus taxes which are approximately $30 a night)
Students: $129/night (plus taxes which are approximately $23 a night)

When you go to book, the site will DEFAULT to the fill time period we have the block for.  For example, some will see the image below.

If you do not want to stay this whole time, you must EDIT STAY before clicking "Quick Book".  To do so, click edit stay.

Change your dates and Click "UPDATE". Once you do this, you will be able to hit "Quick Book" for the room type you want. Those who can view images will see an example below of what your screen will look like after you change the dates. The new dates will not be processed unless you click the blue update button.



Faculty and Professionals: https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/msytcdt-nas-787a46f0-e755-4b73-ac6c-5750aade4c8d/
Students: https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/msytcdt-na2-6a3b45e6-26c9-4c79-a249-afc8d12c19a6/

If you are flying into Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport [MSY], there are several ground transportation options. The brief summary  of options was taken from the airport website, and thus is subject to adjustments. Click here for the most up to date information.

Public Transit

. Bus service is available from Level 1 Baggage Claim outside Door 2, Zones B4 and B5. To get downtown, look into 

-The Regional Transportation Authority Airport Express (202) bus
-The Jefferson Transit Authority (JET) E1 bus

"Taxis pick up passengers in a dedicated taxi loading zone on the Arrivals Curb outside of Level 1 Baggage Claim Door 7. Taxi rides cost $36.00 from the airport to the Central Business District (CBD) or French Quarter (west of Elysian Fields) for up to two (2) passengers. For three (3) or more passengers, the fare will be $15.00 per passenger. Taxis are required to accept credit card payments. Please note: $1 fuel surcharge will be added per trip through December 31, 2022"

Ride Apps
- To ride with Lyft, exit Doors 7-9, cross the walkway to the middle curb, and join the queue.
-Uber riders should exit Doors 9-11, cross the walkway to the middle curb, and join the queue.
-KreweCar riders should exit Doors 9-11, cross the walkway to the middle curb, and be ready for pick up by the KreweCar sign at the end of the rideshare lane

Ceci est un thème de conférence
(This is a conference theme)
(This is a play off The Treachery of Images)

For over 40 years, NASSS has held an annual conference, and except for the very first conference in 1980, it has had a conference theme. It’s not in the bylaws or constitution that NASSS must have a conference theme, but it does appear in the curated, helpful, and unofficial policies and procedures manual. Over those 40+ years, the President-Elect worked with the conference planning committee to determine the conference theme. As we’ve come to expect, in proper sociological representational fashion, for 40+ years NASSS has been engaging in a lot of parentheses, forward slashes, and colons: (Re)producing / (re)making: And (re)envisioning. Playing the serious business of language games, the NASSS conference can be viewed as a site for heterotopias bursting with neologisms. Varying paradigms, theoretical frameworks, methodological designs and tools, the NASSS conference is open for sociological business. Oops, a neoliberal idiom. It’s okay to have a little chuckle--comfort for the sociology of sport soul engaged in critical work.

Taking stock, has NASSS lived up to its purpose? We quote at length:

Constitution of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
Section 1:
The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport is organized exclusively for educational purposes to promote, stimulate, and encourage the sociological study of play, games, and sport, to support and cooperate with local, national and international organizations having the same purposes, and to organize and arrange meetings and issue publications concerning the purpose of the Society.
Section 2:
The Society shall recognize and represent all sociological paradigms for the study of play, games, and sport and will promote scholarly activity and exchange among these alternatives paradigms and perspectives.

What does it take to stretch and strive for this mission: to create the roux that serves up a conference climate where all members and would-be members feel included, and truly feel empowered to transform their selves, sessions, the sociology of sport, and ambitiously, society?

A radically open conference theme, swinging to the tune of scholarship, service, and structure.
● Scholarship--broadly but clearly centered on the sociology of play, games, and sport, including the body and physical cultural studies, inclusive of all paradigms and perspectives. Limited guardrails on the path to curiosity and creation.
● Service--to NASSS, each other, and community; service to our collective mission and its flourishment; service to our committees, members, and operations (e.g., this conference, SSJ, take a student to lunch, +1 initiative); and service to address the needs of others and the needs of NASSS.
● Structure--our recent critical turn throughout the sociology of sport often results in breaking down existing structures, without a complementary restructuring to scaffold our revisioning. Can your sessions, your involvement in NASSS, modify or re(envision) new structures that foster our mission and the sociology of sport? Such is one impetus for a radically open conference theme, along with a new session option.

Here’s the assignment. It’s time to look inward at NASSS, our scholarship, service, and structure, while simultaneously doing public sociology of sport. These subthemes and the local connection to New Orleans will be integrated throughout the conference and planning for NASSS as a whole. For now, go for it! Create the session you would like to see. Present or perform like you want. Lean into improvisation like the great African American jazz birthed from the unique culture of New Orleans. Submit that idea that’s been simmering throughout you like some good ol’ N’awlins gumbo and know that we are all there to serve one another.

“Laissez les bons temps!” encouraged the conference planning committee.

“Oui, cher,” they replied, understanding the assignment.

The NASSS Executive Board, with the leadership of Ajhanai Keaton, Jorge Moraga, Judy Liao, Jeffrey Montez de Oca, Katherine Jamieson, and Billy Hawkins, is sponsoring the third pre-conference S.E.E.D.S Program for graduate students and junior faculty of color at the New Orleans meeting in November 2023. We see this as an attempt to create a healing, supportive space for emergent scholars of color within NASSS to facilitate their ability to thrive within NASSS and academia at large while also fostering future generations of critical, engaged scholars of color.

Check out the information about our pre-conference programming, including how to apply.


In order to grow our community, sense of belonging, and additional financial support for NASSS, under the leadership of President Richardson, we have created a NASSS store on Bonfire.

We have tested the quality of the product and logistics and are pleased with the results. You can see the store here: NASSS Bonfire Store

If you have any questions about the conference PROGRAM (scheduling of events, abstracts and session), please contact President-Elect and conference chair, Brian Gearity 

If you have any questions about the conference logistics (hotel, registration, etc), please contact the Chair of the Conference Steering committee, Charles Crowley

If you have any questions about conference registration (need a receipt, question on how to fill out registration), please contact the membership coordinator William Bridel.

If you have any questions about the website (session/abstract submission forms, questions about information on the web), please contact the Web Administrator, Jen McGovern