Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ)
Official Publication of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
Journal URL: http://journals.humankinetics.com/SSJ
Online Submissions via ManuscriptCentral: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hk_ssj
Editorial Policy
Published four times a year, the Sociology of Sport Journal was created to stimulate and communicate research, critical thought, and theory development on issues pertaining to the sociology of sport. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical and theoretical papers; book reviews; and critical essays. Analyses of sport and physical culture from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives are encouraged. Submissions concerned with sport and physical culture as related to race, class, gender, sexuality, popular media, political economy, globalization, youth culture, and other sociological relevant topics are welcomed.
Instructions to Contributors
In preparing manuscripts for publication in the Sociology of Sport Journal, authors should adhere to the guidelines provided in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition, 2010. Copies of this manual are found in most university libraries and a basic guide and tips can be found online at http://www.apastyle.org/. Examples of format guidelines may also be seen in articles in the American Sociological Review (after 1986) and the Sociology of Sport Journal (beginning with Vol. 5).
- Manuscripts must be double-spaced including the abstract, all block quotations and field notes, references, and tables.
- Manuscript submissions shall not exceed 8,000 words inclusive of text, notes, and references.
- Tables, figures, and graphs must be clearly labeled and included on separate pages.
- All manuscripts must be preceded by an abstract of 75-125 words typed on a separate page. The Sociology of Sport Journal will provide a French abstract for each article.
- Footnotes should be limited in number and none may exceed 6 lines in length. Content footnotes are distracting to readers; therefore all important information should be included in the text and all incidental information should be omitted.
- Figures can be submitted if they are saved in eps, tiff, or pict format.
Manuscripts should be submitted through Manuscript Central, the online submission system for Sociology of Sport Journal at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hk_ssj. Please access the site and follow the directions for authors submitting manuscripts.
Review Process
Manuscripts are read by two (2) reviewers, with the review process taking 7 (seven) to 10 (ten) weeks. There are no page charges for contributors. Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication must transfer copyright to Human Kinetics.**
A blind review process is used to evaluate manuscripts. With each copy of the manuscript, authors are requested to submit a separate cover sheet including the title of the manuscript, name of the author(s), institutional affiliation(s), running head, date of manuscript submission, and full mailing address and phone number of the author who is to receive the galley proofs. The first page of the manuscript should omit the author's name and affiliation but include the title of the manuscript and date of submission. Footnotes that identify the author should be typed on a separate page, and any clues to the author's identity should be eliminated. Manuscripts will be evaluated in terms of topical relevance, theoretical and methodological adequacy, and clarity of explanation and analysis.
Editorial Leadership Team
Editor-in-Chief: Cheryl Cooky, Purdue University, USA, [email protected]
Associate Editors
Rachel Allison, Mississippi State University, USA
Daniel Burdsey, University of Brighton, UK
Joseph Cooper, University of Massachusetts-Boston, USA
Audrey Giles, University of Ottawa, Canada
Shannon Jette, University of Maryland, USA
Yuka Nakamura, York University, Canada
Past Editor: Michael Giardina, Florida State University, USA
Book Review Editor: Guy Harrison, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, USA
Editorial Assistant: There is no Editorial Assistant
NASSS members who are an author/co-author on a manuscript that has been accepted to SSJ after peer review, will receive a discounted rate of $1,000 (USD) for standard, non-Creative Commons (copyright assigned to HK) free access publication. The related article will be free to read in perpetuity, as long as HK owns SSJ. NASSS will list this unique benefit on its website in the Membership benefits section. HK will communicate this unique benefit to the corresponding author(s) of each article that is accepted for publication by SSJ. This discount will remain the same for the duration of this agreement or until a new agreement is signed.