NASSS Committees

The descriptions are abbreviated. Detailed information is available online in the bylaws and in the  policies and procedures manual . In selecting committee members, each chair seeks to seat a committee that reflects the diversity of NASSS membership, paying attention to numerous factors, such as: subject of expertise, methodological and paradigmatic approach, nationality, race/ethnicity, gender, and organizational seniority.

2023 committees will be formed and posted by January/February 2023.

Information  about the Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ) editorial board can be found here.

Organizational Committees

Conference Program Committee

The Conference Program Committee & Chair generates program session topics, approaches individuals about organizing sessions, works toward finalizing a list of keynotes to be approached, and finalizes the general overview for the conference (number of paper sessions, panels, author-meets-critics).

2024 Chair: Jason Laurendeau, University of Lethbridge
[email protected]

Adam Ali
Ahjanai Keaton
Allison Jeffrey
Dan Mann
Daniel Uy
Danielle Peers
Derek Silva
Jamie Ryan
Janelle Joseph
Jeff Montez de Oca
Jesse Couture
Joe Mills
Jorge Enriquez Moraga
Kristi Allain
Marianne Clark
Mary McDonald
Moss Norman
Nathan Fawaz
Nik Dickerson
Stacey Flores
Tricia McGuire-Adams
William Bridel
Judy Liao
Billy Hawkins
Umer Hussain
Eun Jung
Miruthula Queen Anbu
Christopher McLeod


Finance Committee

Chair: Michael Friedman, Treasurer, [email protected]

This three-person committee shall aid in the construction of a proposed budget in co-operation with the Treasurer, evaluate all existing fiscal policies of the Society, recommend changes to the Board of Directors, and appoint an auditor and report the results to the Board of Directors.


The 2024 committee has not yet been formed.

Diversity & Conference Climate Committee


The Diversity and Conference Climate Committee will coordinate with the NASSS Board of Directors to ensure diverse membership and conference programming, to enhance the intellectual vibrancy of the organization and conference program, and to schedule activities that facilitate a positive conference climate for all attendees. This committee also solicits, judges, and selects the Graduate Diversity Scholarship Award. The purpose of the scholarship is to create a mechanism to identify racial and/or ethnic "minority" graduate students who are doing research in the area of sport sociology and to provide a means of supporting their work and association with NASSS. The DCCC judges applications for this award between mid July and September.

Chair: Malcolm Drewery, Morgan State University
[email protected]


Jesse Couture
Eileen Narcotta-Welp
Demetrius Pearson
Keisha Branch
Janelle Joseph

Elections (Nominations) Committee


Each JANUARY the Committee on Elections shall canvass the membership and the Board of Directors for nomination suggestions and shall then prepare, after having secured the permission of each nominee, a slate of nomination for the election of officers. The slate shall contain at least two candidates for each office. The committee chair works closely with the Web committee chair to conduct electronic voting and to record and report the election outcome.

Chair: Dr. Jessica Chin,  [email protected]


Caitlin Clarke
Shaun Edmonds

Web and Communications Committee

Chair and Website Admin: Andy Grainger, Western Sydney University

Jay Byland (Web Support)
Katja Sonkeng (Facebook Support)
Nick Zoroya (Twitter -X Support)
Andy Grainger (Instagram Support)

Conference Steering Committee

Chair and Conference Director:  Vacant
Co-Conference Locators: Robert Case, Old Dominion University & F. Michelle Richardson, Coppin State


The 2024 committee will be formed in January/February 2024.

Environmental Impact Committee

Chair: Madeleine Orr, University of Toronto

The goal of this committee is to track and enhance the Environmental footprint of NASSS as an organization.

UNDRIP Alignment Committee

Chair: Victoria Paraschak, University of Windsor

The UNDRIP Alignment Committee exists to ensure that NASSS policies and practices align with the “Resolution to Commit to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Aim of Respecting Indigenous Peoples’ Rights” (passed unanimously in 2023).

Awards Committees

NASSS Outstanding Book Award

This committee of no less than three members shall review books published in the year previous to the award year, and shall select a winner to be announced at the Annual meeting of the membership. Books are typically divided for review according to primary and secondary reviewers. By September (or early October at the latest), committee members submit their reviews for all books to the Chair. Books are typically evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: originality, methodological adequacy, theoretical significance, and contribution to social science. Members of the committee are asked to provide a numerical rating as well as qualitative analysis for each criterion. Click here to see a list of past winners.

Chair: Derek Silva, King's University College, [email protected]

Janelle Joseph
Jesse Couture
Jessica Siegele
Simran Sethi

Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ) Outstanding Article Award

This no-less-than-three-person committee shall review all SSJ articles in the year prior to the award year, and select a winner, to be announced at the next Annual meeting of the membership. The procedures follow those of other committees and include: a) committee formation; b) eligibility; c) review process; d) making the award; and e) wrap up. Click here to see a list of past award winners.

Chair:  Lars Dzikus, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, [email protected]


Dafna Kaufman
Tricia McGuire-Adams
Yuka Nakamura
David Zinn

Barbara Brown Outstanding Student Paper Award

Student Paper Award Committee will consist of no less than three members and shall review all eligible papers submitted for consideration. One award may be given to a master level student and one to a doctoral student. The name(s) of the winner(s) will be announced at the Annual meeting of the membership. All committee members must read all of the papers. An Evaluation Sheet will be provided by the Chair to assess each paper. All student authors will be provided qualitative feedback from the reviewers. Evaluation should be completed by late September or early October. Click here to see a list of past winners.

Chair: Letisha Engracia Cardoso Brown, University of Cincinnati, [email protected]


Julie Brice
Chris Knoester
Anna Posbergh
Nik Dickerson
Doo Jae Park
Letisha E. C. Brown (Chair)

Service Excellence Award

Chair: Past President, F. Michelle Richardson, Coppin State

[email protected]


Ellen J. Staurowsky, Algerian Hart, Brenda Riemer, Akilah Carter-Francique, and F. Michelle 


Click here to see a list of recipients.

SSJ Early Career Researcher Award


Sponsored by Human Kinetics, the "SSJ Early Career Researcher Award” is awarded to an early career NASSS member "in recognition of significant scholarly contributions to the sociology of sport field." The winner of the award will receive U.S.$1,000 and be recognized at the 2015 NASSS business meeting/awards.

Chair: Cheryl Cooky, Editor SSJ


Brad Millington
Christopher McLeod

Research Fellows Committee

Chair:  Brian Gearity, University of Denver, [email protected]

The 2024  committee has not yet been formed

Special Committees

These committees have been charged with exploring particular issues for the upcoming business year. The 2024 committees have not yet been formed

Political Advocacy Committee - Writes and finds support for resolutions, public statements, and other political activities.
Chair: Jeff Montez de Oca, Colorado State University

UNDRIP Alliance Committee - Will explore how NASSS can align more closely with the The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
Chair: Vicky Paraschak, University of Windsor